Ayurveda describes acne as Mukhadooshikha. It occurs due to a combination of factors like excess sebum and action of bacteria.To harmonise the doshas leading to pimples, various herbs are prescribed for topical application. Ancient Living Anti Pimple face pack is a treatment to prevent and treat ongoing acne problems. The potent ingredients in this pack include Danyak which is rich in anti-oxidants and vitamin C. Lodhra with astringent qualities tightens the pores. Raktachandan calms the skin while Manjistha detoxifies. When used regularly this pack heals and treats the root cause of acne and gives you a healthy blemish free skin.
Ancient Living Anti Pimple Face Pack - 40 GMS
Excluding GST:
What You Need To Know
Important Product Info
Ingredients: Danyak, Lodhra, Jaiphal, Raktachandan, Manjishta
Usage: Take required quantity, mix with Ancient Living rosewater, apply on acne prone area of face and wait for 30 minutes. Wash off with water and pat dry.
How It Benefits?
Benefit 1: Various Ayurvedic herbs like Danyak, Raktachandan, Manjistha, Lodhra
Benefit 2: Rich in anti-oxidants, Vitamin C; tighten the pores and heals the skin
Benefit 3: Treat ongoing acne problems; gives you a healthy blemish free skin
Social Causes
Human Resource: No Child Labor Used
Fair Wages: Yes
Who is selling?
Origin: Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Producer: Ancient Living Products LLP
Brand: Ancient Living
In Market: Since 2010
Shelf Life: 24 months
Weight: 40 grams