Whenever we see a train, we find a mysterious type of feelings. The front engine stimulated us to get in the train and to start a journey. This feeling has no age bar. This feeling was in our childhood, it started to expand whenever we started to grow. We all can remember our first engine toy played with high curiosity. The children like it most as this toy increases their imagination. This toy is extremely liked and accepted by the toddlers. They push the engine in their way and their imaginative mind gets a support. This ‘Engine Toy’ has some other innumerable effects on our children. This develops the gross motor skill and they get a concept of speed from this kind of toy. So have an ‘Engine Toy’ and watch the shining twinkle in your baby.
What You Need To Know
Important Product Info
Material(s) Used: Wood
Type/Category: Wooden
Color: Green
Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skills: Gross motor skill is the coordination of larger muscles of the body with eyes or rest of the body.
Concept of speed: Concept of speed is the ability to recognize movement of an object relative to another fixed or moving object.
Dimensions: 128X76X114 (mm)
Unit: 5
Weight: 209 (gms)
Size: Medium
Age Group: 4 Yrs Above